Engineering Geology Ireland

Engineering Geology

Ground structures and groundwater behaviour are critical controls on many schemes. The engineering geology and hydrogeology can influence stability, contamination migration and exploitation of water, oil and other minerals.

The natural world is complex and analytical solutions have to be tested against real-world conditions. Failure to do so can put feasibility and safety at risk.

Our experience in the area of Engineering Geology includes:

  • Stability assessments of colliery spoil and refuse tips in the mountainous Welsh Coalfield.
  • Stability design of opencast coal sites throughout the UK.
  • Management of water resources in arid regions.
  • Geochemical attack on construction materials in the UK and Middle East.
  • Solving quarrying problems at minimum cost and disruption to the operator. Assisting in deepening, extensions, stability assessments and environmental impact assessments.
  • Management of complex groundwater conditions, notably artesian groundwater conditions whilst cutting into the hillside of a Welsh valley. These conditions had the potential to cause catastrophic failure during construction and completion of the development. An understanding of hydrogeological system for the site was required and appropriate mitigation measures were designed.



A selected list of example projects can be found on our Projects and Technical page. If you have any questions or enquiries please contact us.


Our Engineering Geology Services in Ireland

Earth Science Partnership proudly offers our full range of engineering geology services across Ireland and Northern Ireland. We have considerable experience working in the area and have completed works previously, or can offer our services in the following notable locations, among many more:

  • Dublin
  • Belfast
  • Cork
  • Limerick
  • Galway
  • Derry
  • Newtonabbey
  • Bangor
  • Waterford
  • Lisburn
  • Drogheda
  • Dundalk
  • Swords


Author: Matthew Eynon, Director

Matthew Eynon

I am a UK Registered Ground Engineering Specialist and Chartered Engineering & Environmental Geologist with significant experience in Site Hazard Assessment, Remediation, Design, and Implementation across the Geoenvironmental and Geotechnical sectors in the UK and abroad. 

I often work in multi-disciplinary teams advising other engineering and design professionals on the implications of ground hazards.

My work involves undertaking design, planning, management, and reporting of ground investigations, including investigations for new developments, and many bespoke studies including the assessment of hydrogeological settings, materials for earthworks, the impact of abandoned mine workings, remediation and stability assessment of soil and rock slopes/landslides, most notably the Pantteg Landslide in the Swansea Valley for which I have guided and presented assessments to Local Authority officers and the general public.

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Page Last Updated: 17th June 2024

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